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If you are looking to pay your HOA fees online, here are the instructions.

  1. Go to our new management website and Register at the Sign In button.
  2. Create an Account and Fill in the form completely.
  3. Register with the Green Button at the bottom of the form.
  4. Login




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Over the years, condominium, cooperative and homeowners associations frequently battled with homeowners over the display of flags. Some battles included giant flag poles and giant flags. Others were driven by spite between an owner and an association. Others involved a difference of opinion concerning the importance of uniformity in the neighborhood and the homeowner’s desire to express patriotism. American Flag

The level of dispute reached Congress and on January 4, 2005, Representative Roscoe Bartlett and 13 other members of the House of Representatives introduced The Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005. It took over a year for Congress to pass the Act and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush on July 24, 2006. The Act prohibits condominium associations, co-ops or residential homeowners associations from adopting or enforcing policies or agreements that would restrict or prevent a member of the association from displaying the flag of the United States on residential property within the association with respect to which the member has a separate ownership interest or right to exclusive possession or use.

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Many condominiums throughout the state are getting ready for their annual meeting. This means that election season is also underway as the election occurs at the time of the annual meeting. If an existing board member is interested in re-election they, like any member of the community, must submit a timely notice of intent to be a candidate. Consider helping your community by taking a board position.

The statutes governing community associations require notice of meetings to encourage owner participation. HOAleader recently published an article on this subject: HOA Meetings: Does Your State Have Rules for Your Meeting Agendas?  Here are some handy reminders – there are additional options in the statutes. This list is not intended to be all inclusive.

Meeting Type Condo / Co-Op HOA
Board meeting(s) 48 hours posted (or pursuant to documents) with agenda 48 hours posted (or pursuant to documents)
Budget meeting(s) 14 days mailed (along with a copy of the proposed budget) and posted, unless documents require a longer time period Pursuant to documents
Annual meeting(s) 60 days for first notice; 14 days for second notice, mailed, delivered or electronically transmitted 14 days mailed, delivered or electronically transmitted (unless documents require more notice)
Special assessment(s) 14 days mailed and posted– condos must also include the purpose & estimated amount of special assessment in the meeting notice (14 days applies to meetings to establish the insurance deductible as well) 14 days mailed and posted
Board meeting(s) to adopt rules regarding unit or parcel use 14 days mailed (along with a copy of the proposed rule) and posted 14 days mailed (along with a copy of the proposed rule) and posted
Member meeting(s) Pursuant to By-Laws (usually at least 14 days mailed, delivered or electronically transmitted) 14 days mailed, delivered or electronically transmitted (unless documents require more notice)
Committee meeting(s) Committees that take final action on behalf of the board or make recommendations to the board regarding the association budget must notice their meetings 48 hours in advance, and the meetings must be open to the unit owners.

Committees that DO NOT take final action on behalf of the board or make recommendations to the board regarding the association budget must notice their meetings 48 hours in advance, and the meetings must be open to the unit owners, UNLESS the By-Laws provide otherwise.

Must be posted 48 hours in advance when a final decision will be made regarding the expenditure of association funds and to meetings of any committee vested with the power to approve or disapprove architectural decisions with respect to a specific parcel of residential property owned by a member of the community
Association attorney meeting(s) Must be noticed 48 hours in advance, but are not open to unit owners when the meeting is held for the purpose of seeking or rendering legal advic Must be noticed 48 hours in advance (or pursuant to documents), but are not open to owners when the meeting relates to proposed or pending litigation or personnel matters.

private 1On our website we offer an individual homeowner log-in. This area contains private information that is related to you and your association only such as Rules and Regulations, Articles for the HOA, Financials, Meetings and Agendas, etc... We feel that informed homeowners are happy homeowners. We want you to be informed so that you can make the best decisions for your community and your home. We want you to rest easy knowing that things are being taken care of.


At Crest Management Group, we pride ourselves on our ability to communicate with the homeowners. Every single homeowner, no matter how big or how small your association is, will be updated on the news and events in your community.

We have the ability to send mass mailings, mass emails through this website to keep homeowners in the know for events, news, or even a hurricane preparation situation. We also offer communities the option of having their own newsletter (electronic and/or print) sent to each homeowner. Additionally, we offer each association the option of having its own Facebook and/or Twitter account to keep homeowners informed.

We operate under an open-door policy. If you visit Crest, you will find our vice president and president's offices right up front. They want to get to know each and every homeowner personally, so that they can best address the needs of your community. We believe in personal interaction and relationships. We believe in handshakes and hugs instead of nods and nudges.